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Virtuose (2019-2024)

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D 2 juillet 2024    

Multiscale 3D displacement field measurement using stereo digital image correlation on a fractal speckle pattern
Joël Serra, Renaud Lalanne, John Eric Dufour, Jean-Noel Périé and Jean-Charles Passieux
Strain, 2024

Numerical simulations and testing of notched composite plates under envelope loadings : Validation with the safe life domain method
Florent Grotto, Christophe Bouvet, Bruno Castanié, and Joël Serra
Composite Structures, 2024

Multiaxial loading of aeronautic composite structures at intermediate scale : A review of VERTEX developments
Bruno Castanié, Jean-Charles Passieux, Jean-Noel Périé, Christophe Bouvet,John-Eric Dufour and Joël Serra
Composite Part C : Open Access, 2024

Testing Structural Elements under Multiaxial Loading : A Numerical Model of the Bench to Understand and Predict Complex Boundary Conditions
Florent Grotto, Oscar Peta, Christophe Bouvet, Bruno Castanié and Joël Serra
Aerospace, 2024

Experimental characterization of tensile and compressive translaminar fracture toughness coupling multiphysics measurements
Romain Rutar, Joël Serra, Quentin Bausiere and Christophe Bouvet
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2023

Monitoring structural scale composite specimens in a post‐buckling regime : The integrated finite element stereo digital image correlation approach with geometrically non‐linear regularization
John-Eric Dufour, Guillaume Colantonio, Christophe Bouvet, Jean-Noel Périé, Jean-Charles Passieux, Joël Serra
Strain, 2023

Design and Testing of Impacted Stiffened CFRP Panels under Compression with the VERTEX Test Rig
Florent Grotto, Christophe Bouvet, Bruno Castanié, Joël Serra
Aerospace, 2023

Local buckling on large sandwich panels used in light aviation : Experimental and computation dialogue
Malo Ginot, Christophe Bouvet, Bruno Castanié, Michele d’Ottavio, Joël Serra, Nicolas Mahuet
International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2023

Local buckling on large sandwich panels used in light aviation : Experimental setup and failure scenarios
Malo Ginot, Christophe Bouvet, Bruno Castanié, Joël Serra, Nicolas Mahuet
Composite Structures, 2023

Experimental behaviour of aeronautical carbon fibre reinforced thermoplastic panels under combined tension-shear-pressure loadings
Florent Grotto, Christophe Bouvet, Bruno Castanié, Joël Serra
Engineering Failure Analysis, 2023

Combined loadings after medium velocity impact on large CFRP laminated plates : Discrete ply model simulations
J. Serra, A. Trellu, C. Bouvet, S. Rivallant, B. Castanié, L. Ratsifandrihana
Composites Part C : Open Access, 2021

=== Related Publications ===

Combined loadings after medium velocity impact on large CFRP laminate plates : Tests and enhanced computation/testing dialogue
A. Trellu, G. Pichon, C. Bouvet, S. Rivallant, B. Castanié, J. Serra, L. Ratsifandrihana
Composites Science and Technology, 2020

Validation and modeling of aeronautical composite structures subjected to combined loadings : The VERTEX project. Part 1 : Experimental setup, FE-DIC instrumentation and procedures
Joël Serra, J.E. Pierré, J.C. Passieux, J.N. Périé, Christophe Bouvet, Bruno Castanié
Composite Structures, 2017

Validation and modeling of aeronautical composite structures subjected to combined loadings : The VERTEX project. Part 2 : Load envelopes for the assessment of panels with large notches
Joël Serra, J.E. Pierré, J.C. Passieux, J.N Périé, Christophe Bouvet, Bruno Castanié, C. Petiot
Composite Structures, 2017
