There are several ways to obtain Typhon sources:
- you can use subversion to get an up-to-date updatable development release:
svn checkout typhon-code /path/to/my/typhon
- you can use subversion to get an up-to-date development release:
svn export typhon-code/path/to/my/typhon
Release versions of Typhon sources are also available, but may be older versions:
- some Typhon releases are available as .tar.gz packages on the sourceforge download page
- you can obtain more releases with some test-cases using subversion:
svn export /path/to/my/typhon
is the release number (available on this release list page)
According to the version you want to install and use, you will need third-party libraries (e.g. mpi if needed, cgns, metis).
You will then have to configure and build Typhon.