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TYPHON internal formats

D 11 September 2011    

Typhon internal formats use CFDTOOLS XBIN format. It can be used for mesh and/or solutions. All Typhon formats start with a XBIN section (name is FILE_HEADER) which defines

  • Typhon format version number
  • Typhon type of file (mesh, solution, monitor...)
  • number of meshes
  • number of solutions

If this file only has meshes, it is considered as a mesh file and is described in this article.

If there are solutions, it must contain meshes too. The structure of such Typhon solution files is detailed in this article.


version 2: shared mesh
  • add cell marks in mesh
  • mesh definition tag in typhon header (full, shared, shared connectivity)
version 3: spectral solutions (rev742)
  • number of degree of freedom (dof) per cell
  • solution structure tag

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