Unmanned systems are having a growing part in space, air, sea and ground military or civilian missions while the trend is to reduce staffing. Consequently humans will have to operate and interact with more complex and numerous vehicles.
One of the main challenges in systems involving humans and unmanned vehicles is to ensure a coherent and efficient behaviour of the whole system while mixing the operators’ control and the autonomy of the vehicles. Addressing this issue needs a global design of the system so as to balance embedded algorithms, human-machine interactions and the operators’ needs and prerogatives.
The aim of the conference is to bring together researchers, people from the industry, operators of unmanned vehicles and civilian and military stakeholders so as to focus on the human(s) - unmanned vehicle(s) interaction issues.
We especially encourage presentations on the following topics :
- authority or control sharing among human operator(s) and unmanned vehicle(s) ;
- adaptive automation / autonomy ;
- mixed-initiative decision ;
- perceptual systems, situation awareness issues ;
- rights and duties of human operators vs "rights and duties" of unmanned vehicles ;
- conflicts between human operators and embedded algorithms, and hand-over issues ;
- human-centered design ;
- human - unmanned system interactions ;
- human factors : workload, stress, physiological measures (human behaviours and emotions) ;
- training for operators of unmanned vehicles ;
- adaptive MMIs ;
- natural interactions with no MMI ;
- multi-vehicle and multi-operator issues ;
- operation of unmanned systems colocated with humans or inhabited systems.
A PDF version of the call for paper is downloadable here.