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WTT data

TEST CASE: Rectangular wing

Find details of the wind tunnel campaign, setup and instrumentation here (Chapter 8 onwards, starts in page 179).



• Download files:
CAD wind tunnel
CAD wing $\alpha$=0°
CAD wing $\alpha$=10°

Stereo PIV:

This wing wake measurement with stereo PIV (2D3C) corresponds to an angle of attack of $\alpha$=0°.




• Info for Epsilon PIV:
The entire wake was measured with 3 lateral PIV regions placed at 0.5 chords downstream of the wing. The following orientation and coordinates must be used in the transformation tool of Epsilon PIV to positionate each PIV region correctly:

Orientation [°] = [ 90, 0, 90]

PIV region X [m] Y [m] Z [m]
Tip 0.250 -0.820 -0.028
Center 0.250 -0.528 -0.025
Wall 0.250 -0.240 -0.027


• Info for Epsilon Aero Data:
V0 = 20 m/s
Ps0 = 101325 Pa
Ts0 = 288 K
Sw = 0.2025 m^2


• Download files:
PIV data
Data format: Dantec tecplot

Five-hole probe calibration:

Three calibration charts are provided, which corresponds to the five-hole probe (5HP) used for the wake survey. The calibration charts were obtained at M=0.1, M=0.3 and M=0.5, although only M=0.1 must be used to process the wake survey data.




• Download files:
Calibration charts
Furnisher: Vectoflow

5HP wake survey:

This wing wake measurement with five-hole probe corresponds to an angle of attack of $\alpha$=10°. The entire wake was measured in two separated runs, one covering the main wake region, and a complementary run to survey the junction flow region.




• Info for Epsilon 5HP:
Ignore first line of probe data
Pamb = 100940 Pa
Tt0 = 294.5 K


• Info for Epsilon Aero Data:
V0 = 20 m/s
Ps0 = 101325 Pa
Ts0 = 288 K
Sw = 0.2025 m^2


• Download files:
5HP wake survey
File parser: Labview 5HP ISAE
