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Organizing Committee

D 16 December 2014    

Meet the members of the organizing and scientific committee of the 2f-NIRS Conference

--------- A DEDICATED TEAM ---------

From setting conference dates and registration fees to planning social events, the Organizing Committee is in charge of planning the 2f-NIRS Workshop and arranging logistics before, during, and after the conference. The committee is excited to welcome the French scientific community from around the world to Toulouse.

Dr. Frédéric Dehais Dr. Stéphane Perrey Dr. Gérard Dray Dr. Mickaël Causse Dr. Kevin Mandrick

--------- THE SUPPORT TEAM ---------

  • Graphist: Annie Bouchet (ISAE)
  • Photography credit: Aude Lemarchand (ISAE), Thinkstock
  • Webmaster: Kevin Mandrick (PhD, ISAE), Zarrin Chua (PhD, ISAE), Marlène Villeneuve (ISAE)
  • Website Lead Reviewer: Zarrin Chua (PhD, ISAE)
